Getting Started with Firebolt®

    Getting Started with Firebolt®

    Article summary

    Getting your App up and running on Firebolt® takes just a few simple steps.

    Most of your App's code is dealing with your own content and services, and rightfully so! However, there are a few minor APIs that your app will need to call in order to function in a Firebolt®-compliant manner. Most of these APIs require just one line of code.

    Firebolt® has zero dependencies, and leverages industry standard ECMAScript, which is compiled into your App, and packaged up using whatever JavaScript packaging strategy you already use.

    In order to get your App up and running on Firebolt®, you'll need to:

    • Install the Firebolt® package via your package manager (i.e. npm)

    • Import a few Firebolt® modules into your code-base

    • Call a few simple methods to allow Firebolt® and your App to communicate

    Installing Firebolt®

    Installing Firebolt® is simple, because it's a publicly hosted package at

    cd <your project directory>
    npm install @firebolt-js/sdk

    Now you're ready to use Firebolt® in your project.

    Importing Modules

    As mentioned before, Firebolt® uses standard ECMAScript imports for all of its modules. This allows you to only import the modules you use.

    To get your App using Firebolt® modules, just import them.

    For example, this will import the Lifecycle and Metrics modules:

    import { Lifecycle, Metrics } from '@firebolt-js/sdk'

    Starting up your app

    The first thing your App will want to do is tell Firebolt® that it's ready. Firebolt® avoids assuming your App is minimally usable, and gives you complete control over when your App is ready to be presented to end users.

    When you've rendered enough of your App just call 'ready':


    That's it! Now Firebolt® knows that it's safe to present your App to end users, and can do so as quickly as possible.

    It's recommended to also listen to any Firebolt® events before calling ready, to ensure you don't miss any.

    See Lifecycle for more info.

    Reporting Errors

    In order to track the quality of both your App and the Firebolt® experience, Firebolt® needs to know when the user experiences errors in your App. Whenever an error occurs, simply pass the error to the Firebolt® Metrics API. For example, to report a 404 network error when loading a required asset:

    Metrics.error('network', '404', true, 'The requested asset could not be found')

    The codes and descriptions are completely up to you, the only granularity required is the first parameter, type, which can have one of five values:




    A network error occurred


    A media playback related error occurred


    A policy restriction occurred, e.g. content not available in the current region, device, etc.


    An entitlement restriction occurred, e.g. user attempted to play content they are not entitled to


    Any other error

    See Metrics.error for more info.

    Reporting Content Minutes

    In order to track frequency of errors, Firebolt® needs to know which spans of time your user is watching content.

    To track this, call the startContent method before the user starts watching content:


    See Metrics.startContent for more info.

    Note that no identifiers are required for either method, as Firebolt® only tracks the length of engagement, not specifically what the user is watching.

    When the user is done watching content, call stopContent:


    See Metrics.stopContent for more info.

    Inspecting Device Capabilities

    Since not all devices are created equal, your App likely wants to know which capabilities a given device has.

    Firebolt® provides a number of convenient getters that you are welcome to use for this purpose, such as 'video resolution' as displayed below:

    let [width, height] = await Device.videoResolution()

    See the Device API for the full list of methods you may want to use.

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