App URL Specifications

    App URL Specifications

    Article summary

    Application URL Specification


    X1 Apps should support a single launch URL that allows the platform to pass in standard parameter names, which are leveraged by editorial tiles and the voice remote to bring users to the correct content in the X1 App. If the X1 App supports deep linking, including launches through guard word voice search, it is then the app’s responsibility to route the user to the correct area of the app or perform the correct action. This can be achieved by implementing routing logic in the app itself.

    URL Format

    Apps may implement the deep linking scheme either using query parameters or as URI fragment (anchor) parameters.

    For Single Page Apps, using URI fragments is preferred as it allows the app to be navigated to different pages, for example via in-app voice, without forcing a browser reload.

    Query paramters:


    URI fragment parameters:


    Where appPrefix is the app's specific host and path. For example,

    Note that all parameters may be set in the URL even if they are not relevant for the specific launchpoint. The value for the parameter will be empty in this case.

    Query parameters may be added or removed in the future. The order of the parameters is not static. Your X1 App must support the addition of new query params that come in any order.

    Parameter Definitions

    Parameter NameDescription
    launchpointThe action the app should perform at launch. See below for list of supported launchpoint values. Default to home if not specified.
    queryUser specified query value, for search.
    assetIdThe asset id, identified in the app's id space. This refers to a specific video resource that can be played.
    assetTypeThe type of the asset to play. Optional, when assetId is provided. It can be omitted when the QLT service/router does not require the type to generate the app URL. Supported types:
  • vod: VOD and single live event assets.
  • linear: 24/7 linear streams.
  • entityIdAn entity ID in the app's ID space, such as a movie, TV series, TV season, TV episode, playlist, event, artist, album, etc. In some cases, this will be the same value as assetId, but implementation will vary by app.
    sectionNameA "section" name for the app to navigate to. The value is specific per app. Could be a navigation section like Guide, Settings, etc. If used, the app must publish a well defined list of sectionNames
    lmtIncluded with all Application URLs. The value is derived from the IAB Identifier For Advertising (IFA) for Over-the-Top Devices. See Limit Ad Tracking and CCPA Technical Requirements for more details.
    Supported Values:
    • 0 = user can receive personalized advertising
    • 1 = user cannot receive personalized advertising
    us_privacyIncluded with all Application URLs. The value is derived from the IAB CCPA Compliance Framework. These values are subject to change, as described in the linked documentation. See Limit Ad Tracking and CCPA Technical Requirements for more details. Supported Values:
    • 1-N- = user has not opted-out of activities subject to Cal. Civ. Code §1798.135: Do Not Sell My Personal Information
    • 1-Y- = user has opted-out of activities subject to Cal. Civ. Code §1798.135: Do Not Sell My Personal Information

      Supported Launchpoint Values

      ValueDescriptionRequired ParametersOptional Parameters
      homeDefault app start page.N/AN/A
      detailAn entity detail page.entityIdN/A
      playbackBegin playing back the specified assetId.assetIdassetType
      searchReturn search results for the specified query.queryN/A
      sectionNavigate to a specific section of the app.sectionNameN/A


      Inapplicable parameters will still be passed to the application, with no value set. Apps should be prepared to ignore parameters sent with no value. This is shown in the examples below for clarity.

      For example q= will be provided when launchpoint=playback.

      Given an app hosted at

      1. Navigate to home page, ad opt-out not enabled:
      1. Execute a search for "police academy":
      1. Play an asset with id ABCD123
      1. Play a explicitly specified linear asset with id channel2:
      1. Navigate to the entity page for the TV Series specified by id 8fcb5798-86aa-4a06-8053-f9d3e131d0b9:
      1. Navigate to to the app's Settings page:

      Other Query Parameters & URI Fragments

      If an app is using the URI fragment approach, any parameters not specified above will be set as query parameters before the hash mark. For example:

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